Dear friends,
When I began to look for the kind of congregation in which I wanted to be a rabbi, it was important to my wife, Marni, and me that it be a congregation in which we wanted to be members. We wanted to find a synagogue that was warm, welcoming, hamishy, and full of wonderful people and wonderful programs.
We were looking for Congregation Dor Tamid – and we found it. CDT has so much to offer, from Tot Shabbat and Play Tamid, to a vibrant Religious School, to terrific adult programming opportunities. The breadth of what happens during the year here is truly remarkable. This community has heeded the call to make our synagogue a “house of prayer for all peoples." CDT is a place of worship, of religious action, and of community. It is a wonderful synagogue and a wonderful community.
I am proud to serve as the rabbi of this kehillah kedosha, this holy community, and I look forward to sharing with you in all that life brings.
Rabbi Jordan M. Ottenstein, RJE
Click here to read Rabbi Jordan's full bio,
Click here to read a selection of Rabbi Jordan's sermons.
Click here to see a selection of reflective readings of healing and hope that Rabbi Jordan has selected as we respond to the Coronavirus/COVID-19 Pandemic.