Social Action
Congregation Dor Tamid Social Action Committee - Mission Statement
A basic principle of Judaism is "Tikkun Olam" - Repairing the world through mitzvot and tzedakah. CDT's Social Action Committee seeks to involve the congregation in working on projects that will inform and educate our congregants about important issues which impact us as Jews and as citizens of the world, as well as help improve the quality of life of people in need. CDT also strives to advocate for issues concerning Social Justice in accordance with the platforms supported by the URJ (Union for Reform Judaism).
CDT is proud to announce that in 2021/2022, we are celebrating a Year Of Tikkun Olam at CDT. Repairing the world through meaningful contributions to the well-being of people in the greater Atlanta Community.
Our Goal is to have every person at CDT (Religious School and older) participate in an act of Tikkun Olam.
Social Action Committee
We are always looking for ideas and people that are willing to help our community – even if in a small way.
Are you interested in joining Social Action or have ideas for projects? Contact Paula Bloom at ( or call at 770-570-8059.
Some of the activities that Social Action drives on an annual basis are:
The Gan Tamid Garden – this garden that located on the CDT property has produced nearly 300 pounds of food that is donated to a local Food Bank.
Homes Against Hunger – we accept food donations both in the containers at CDT and will even pick up donations at people’s homes.
Atlanta Hunger Walk – In March, the Atlanta Community Food Bank hosts a Hunger Walk where thousands of people gather in support of feeding the hungry in our local community. CDT sponsors a team – we compete with other local temples, churches and other organizations to see who can raise the most money and get the most people involved. Based on the buying power of the Food Bank, every dollar donated provides four meals for people in the community.
CDT Packs for Hungry Kids – these bags of single serve entrees, fruits, vegetables and snacks are provided to children who are dependent on school breakfasts/lunches for times that they are out of school such as weekends and school breaks.
Beanies for premature babies - The Knit/Crochet Group is continuing to make these beanies and are starting to make items for cancer patients.
Zaban Paradies Center – this facility assists couples with services to assist them in the process of moving from homelessness to independent living. Once a month, from September to May, a group from CDT brings and serves a dinner to the couples at the center. (During the pandemic, food is only being dropped off or sent).
The Atlanta Gay Pride Parade – in October, CDT sponsors SOJOURN, an organization
for Jewish LGBTQ in the South, at the Atlanta Gay Pride.
Other: In December 2021, we gathered items for one hundred Afghani Refugee Families that are moving to Atlanta. We just are looking at other activities to assist the elderly and disabled. We are also on the Habitat for Humanity list and may get a relatively last-minute request for help on a home.
The CDT Social Action Committee, in partnership with other CDT groups such as Men’s Club and Sisterhood will promote other activities throughout the year. Additionally, we will collaborate with the Religious School in Mitzvah projects that they will sponsor during the Martin Luther King weekend in January.
Tue, February 11 2025
13 Sh'vat 5785
Wednesday ,
FebFebruary 12 , 2025
Wednesday, Feb 12th 6:00p to 9:00p
Wednesday ,
FebFebruary 12 , 2025
Wednesday, Feb 12th 7:00p to 9:00p
Wednesday ,
FebFebruary 12 , 2025
Wednesday, Feb 12th 7:00p to 8:30p
Thursday ,
FebFebruary 13 , 2025
Thursday, Feb 13th 7:30p to 9:30p
Friday ,
FebFebruary 14 , 2025
Friday, Feb 14th 6:15p to 7:15p
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